Monday, November 2, 2009

I'll Be Deducting My Outrage From The Rent

Back on July 2nd my landlady's son told me that the DPW would be shutting off the water from noon until 2pm.  Seems he neglected to tell me that this water event would in fact be happening on NOVEMBER 2nd. 

Thus, I found myself standing in the shower at noon today with a head full of shampoo and hangover wondering if the full moon's effect on the tides was causing my impromptu water outage. 

Thanks a lot, douchenoodle.


  1. Well, hell, points for planning that far ahead landlady's son, but demerits on the reminder method.

    Shower at noon, huh? :)

  2. Didn't you know? The noon-time shower is de rigeur for the under-employed.
