Friday, October 30, 2009

Tricks and Treats

This Halloween I've decided to dress up as The Recession.  When the snot-nosed thieves trick-or-treaters come to my door I will emerge unshowered, wearing the same t-shirt and sweatpants I donned three days ago, holding a giant empty ceramic bowl. 

I just love holidays that double as civics lessons, don't you?

Update:  Good news! By next week the bowl will be filled with these.  Any bets on how long that 5 pound bag will last me?


  1. I bet Christmas is a blast at your house.

    5 pound bag? You're a Virgo, so 23.2 hours exactly.

  2. I just want you to know it took like five times for me to get my comment published. When will you join the cool kids club and move to Wordpress?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I've tried to move to Wordpress on several occasions but they won't let me sign up. (Reposting of deleted comment. My first one had a typo. See? Virgo.)

    Apparently I'm not cool enough to hang with the cool kids. You might want to let your Wordpress mucky-mucks know it's that sort of class-ist bullshit that makes people get all Columbine-y. Not me of course. But you know...people.

  5. Total Virgo.

    They won't "let" you? Did they give you a reason, like we don't like your lack of the use the word "fuck." Because frankly, I just don't see it enough on your blog.

  6. That previous post took two times only, so maybe big brother is listening.

  7. You seem angry.
