In my infinite holistic wisdom I decided to ignore the rows of Vitamin D supplements on the pharmacy shelves and instead hopped online to purchase a bottle of cod liver oil. My reasoning was that I could kill two birds with one stone – get my 2000 units of D plus get all those extra omega fatty acids that are so good for me. My original plan was to order the capsules since most fish oils come in capsule form but I soon realized that the cod liver oil with D was only available in liquid form. Who knew?
And then I had to choose between the lemon flavor and the orange flavor. (Seriously?)
The internal debate raged for several minutes before I finally settled on lemon...because I generally like a little slice of lemon with my baked salmon. (Yes, I know what you’re thinking. You are witnessing idiot logic in action. Trust me, there’s more where that came from.)
The cod liver oil arrived yesterday and I immediately cracked that baby open and poured myself two teaspoonsful and drank them down most expeditiously. Ho-ly-fuck-ing oh my jesus what the fuck is slip-n-sliding down my Gar! Ack! Ack! Ack!
Ahem. I won’t be doing that again.
This morning I had a
Someone really should revoke my blender privileges. The smoothie came out looking (as usual) like this. And even more unfortunately it tasted like this. Dudes, I drank that thing six hours ago and can still taste it in the back of my throat. Yes, you heard me. I drank the whole thing.
And now I'm yawning streak-free shines and farting lemon-y freshness.