Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy World Tuberculosis Day!

Ok people, I just have to get this off my chest. (But first let me say that I originally typed that sentence to read “Ok, I just have to get this off my chest people.” and “chest people” just looked like a fucked up colloquialism for my boobs, which I do refer to as the girls but would never refer to as people. Go figure. Anyway that sentence clearly had to be restructured. And now that it has been, I return you to my regularly scheduled rant.)

There’s a billboard in one of the train stations downtown that’s been bugging me every day for a month. It depicts a woman pondering whether she has Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Parkinson’s, Breast Cancer, Clinical Depression, etc. Apparently one of the local hospitals is doing a clinical trial for hypochondriacs and they are recruiting volunteers. Well hell, if I wasn’t a hypochondriac before I read that sign 30 times, I sure as shootin’ am now! By the way, I usually see this sign right after I duck past the ad on the train that tries to convince me that tonight could be the night I am eaten alive by deadly bedbugs.

This morning, I hopped online to Google "bed bugs" but, before I could enter my search criteria, I noticed a statement underneath the empty search box. It read: “Tuberculosis is a global threat. Get tested and treated.” The second sentence was a hyperlink that, of course, I HAD TO CLICK, otherwise curiosity would be killing me softly if I didn’t. So I clicked - and was promptly informed that today is World Tuberculosis Day. Since when, you ask? Yeah, I asked that too. Since 1882 when, according to Google, Dr. McSmartyPants discovered that TB was spread via airborne bacteria - but according to every calendar I’ve owned over the last 37 years, since NEVER. So, fuck you Google. Fuck you and the tuberculosis infected bed bug you rode in on.


  1. It sounds like you need to suggest a more worthy (and calendar-friendly) "cause" for Google to support. According to the website, they "welcome your ideas on how [they] can become more socially and environmentally responsible... If you'd like to submit a proposal, please send it to us at proposals@google.com."

  2. Gee, and I thought it just sounded like I needed a valium :)

  3. I like the way you used the "chest" throughout this post.
