Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Best Lunch Ever

In the midst of my lunchtime stroll today, I witnessed a hawk rip a pigeon right out of the sky and wrestle him onto a nearby tree branch to finish the kill. SO f***ing cool!

As the hawk tore apart giant clumps of pigeon, an unsuspecting lady walked right under the branch and stopped to get a closer look at some pretty feathers on the ground. Seconds later her head jerked up with a start and the lightbulb switched on. Priceless.

I spoke to the lady as she walked by me because, I’m sorry, I just had to connect with SOMEONE on the ground who was aware of what was happening. Turns out she’s Russian (Yay, me too! Ok, well, my paternal grandmother was Russian, that still counts right?)

So get this; she tells me that in Russian the word for “the one who eats meat” (pointing at the indelicate hawk) is “heek-neesh” (yes, that is my own phoneticized English version of the word because I have no idea how to spell what she said in Russian. Dude, they have a completely different alphabet than we do - cut me some slack.)

Anyway, I may have stuck around a little too long to watch Mr. Heekneesh eat his lunch because now I'm wondering what the Russian word is for 'vegetarian'.


  1. Whoa. It's like watching the Nature channel on television only not on television.

  2. The Russian word for vegetarian is ve-ge-ta-ree-AA-nets. See Hover over the yellow "ya" (the backwards R) and it will show you the Russian word. Click the "play" button and you'll hear the pronounciation. (I took Russian in college, so I'm quite familiar w/ the Cyrillic alphabet!)

  3. Yeah, I took a semester of Russian in college. Clearly it didn't stick. Thanks for the link :)
