Sunday, February 22, 2009

Public Service Announcement / Parfait Recipe

When a personal trainer offers you a complementary session and your gut tells you to run screaming in the opposite direction (say, towards the ice cream section of your local Stop & Shop which happens to be running a 2 for $5 special on 1/2 gallons of Beyer's Ice Cream), listen to it. Because you can either spend the next few weeks leisurely grabbing a dish of velvety vanilla ice cream when the mood strikes, or you can put your life on hold for 6 days in order to treat your sparkly new herniated disc with Manhattans and muscle relaxers.

OK, so maybe it was only a soft tissue injury - not spinal cord damage. And maybe I only had ibuprofen and creme de menthe on hand. Still, both go great with french vanilla.

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