Friday, April 17, 2009

Leader of the Pack

I recently found a new book club in my area that is going to be exploring the archetypal mythology of Clarissa Pinkola Estes’ classic book, Women Who Run with the Wolves. Sadly, when I hopped online to register as a participant, I discovered this group is already at capacity and there’s a wait list to participate. What?!

Seriously, you guys have 9 members signed up. The James-Younger Gang was bigger than you. If you can’t fit 9 people in your living room then it’s time to scope out a new venue and start charging people to join. (Or it’s time for you to move into a house with a larger living room – take your pick) Hey, you could rent out the local Elks Lodge - tell them your book club is reading Women Who Run with the Elks and I bet they won’t even charge you a rental fee. Sign up 30 women at $15 apiece and you pocket $450. (Sheesh, the entrepreneurial part of my brain is working on overdrive these days. Now if I could just get the where did I leave my keys part of my brain to kick in I’d be well on my way to ruling the world.)

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