Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Reunited (and it feels so good)

Peaches and Herb stuck in your head too? You're welcome!

I have 3 days to decide whether I’m going to my 20th high school reunion. Unfortunately, my ass is on the fence and it refuses to budge. Why the 3 day deadline? Because Alec promised me a year ago (Yes I called dibs a year in advance. I am a Virgo whose planning switch is constantly flipped in the on position. You got a problem with that?) that he would accompany me to said event even if it conflicted with his annual camping trip. Which, as it turns out, it does. Did I mention that both his camping trip and my reunion fall on Mother's Day weekend. (Yup, he's screwed no matter which trip he takes.) Plans must be made though and they must be made by this weekend - I'm feeling the pressure.

Why am I on the fence? Because a year ago I had not discovered Facebook (or as I like to call it the 9th wonder of the world) which in recent months has enabled me to reconnect with most of the people I've ever had the desire to reconnect with. Hell, I reconnected with people I didn't even know I knew. And then I discovered privacy settings and unfriended half of my new Facebook friends. But I digress...

The point is that reunions are all about catching up with folks you haven't talked with in a long time and snickering about who is aging poorly. I've already caught up with most of the people I would have wanted to see at this reunion. And I almost never snicker anymore (except on rare occasions like tonight when I stood next to a lady on the train who has been growing her fingernails since Nixon was in office. 10th wonder of the world. I couldn't help it - I mentally snickered.) So yeah, now there's a big part of me that feels like dragging Alec to this reunion could be a waste of time for both of us. But there's still a little part of me that would like to roam the campus again and breathe in the crisp Quaker ambiance of it all. (Yes, I went to a Quaker boarding school. Problem? Nope? Good.)

I know what's gonna happen. I will feel bad about keeping Alec from his man-weekend and succumb to my self-imposed guilt. So I'll send him off into the wilderness with his college chums while, several states away, I will drag my 6 foot tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed gal pal with me to the reunion in his stead and we'll spend the entire weekend introducing her to everyone as my lesbian lover, thus simultaneously horrifying & intriguing my ex-boyfriends and their wives.


On second thought....I may have just hopped off the fence.


  1. who is this 6 foot tall blonde-haired, blue-eyed chic and can i have her phone #?

  2. I have decided I want to go to the reunion. I will bring a camera.

